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Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 47(4): 11-21, 20240131.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537624


A pandemia do novo coronavírus (covid-19) é um grave problema de saúde pública. Adicionalmente, a hiperglicemia na gestação (diabetes preexistente, diabetes diagnosticado pela primeira vez na gestação e diabetes mellitus gestacional) é uma das complicações maternas mais frequentes na população obstétrica. A sobreposição desses problemas pode refletir na saúde materna e fetal. Desse modo, o objetivo deste estudo é reunir evidências acerca da saúde materna de mulheres com hiperglicemia na gestação durante a pandemia de covid-19 no Brasil. Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa, em que a fonte de dados compreendeu artigos publicados até maio de 2023 nas bases de dados Medline, via PubMed, Lilacs e WHO COVID-19 Research Database. Foram listados 167 artigos e, após a aplicação dos critérios de elegibilidade, cinco estudos foram incluídos, compreendendo 1.469 gestantes e puérperas com diabetes mellitus gestacional ou diabetes preexistente. Quanto à saúde materna, os principais desfechos foram relacionados à infecção por covid-19, como gravidade da doença e risco de morte. Além disso, foi observada maior prevalência de transtornos mentais comuns, como ansiedade e depressão. Portanto, a saúde materna de mulheres com hiperglicemia na gestação foi impactada negativamente durante a pandemia de covid-19 no país.

The new coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is a major public health issue. Hyperglycemia during pregnancy (pre-existing diabetes, diabetes first diagnosed in pregnancy and gestational diabetes mellitus) is a frequent maternal complication in the obstetric population. Their overlap may impact maternal and fetal health. Thus, this narrative review gathered evidence on the maternal health of women with gestational hyperglycemia during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. Articles published until May 2023 in the Medline (via PubMed), Lilacs and WHO COVID-19 Research Database online databases were eligible. Bibliographic search retrieved a total of 167 articles, of which five remained after applying the inclusion criteria, resulting in a sample of 1,469 pregnant and postpartum women with gestational diabetes or pre-existing diabetes. Regarding maternal health, the main outcomes were related to COVID-19 infection, such as disease severity and risk of death. Additionally, results showed a higher prevalence of common mental disorders such as anxiety and depression. In conclusion, the maternal health of women with gestational hyperglycemia was negatively impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic.

La pandemia del nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19) es un grave problema de salud pública. Además, la hiperglucemia durante el embarazo (diabetes preexistente, diabetes diagnosticada por primera vez durante el embarazo y diabetes mellitus gestacional) es una de las complicaciones maternas más frecuentes en la población obstétrica. La superposición de estos problemas puede afectar la salud materna y fetal. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio es recopilar evidencia sobre la salud materna de las mujeres con hiperglucemia en el embarazo durante la pandemia de la COVID-19 en Brasil. Se trata de una revisión narrativa, y la fuente de datos comprendió artículos publicados hasta mayo de 2023 en las bases de datos MEDLINE vía PubMed, LILACS y WHO COVID-19 Research Database. Se enumeró un total de 167 artículos y, después de aplicar los criterios de elegibilidad, se incluyeron cinco estudios con 1.469 mujeres embarazadas y puérperas con diabetes gestacional o diabetes preexistente. En cuanto a la salud materna, los principales resultados se relacionaron con el contagio por COVID-19, como la gravedad de la enfermedad y el riesgo de muerte. Además, se observó una mayor prevalencia de trastornos mentales comunes, como la ansiedad y la depresión. Por lo tanto, la salud materna de las mujeres con hiperglucemia durante el embarazo se ha visto afectada negativamente durante la pandemia de la COVID-19 en Brasil.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(3): e00085523, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534137


Resumo: Este estudo avaliou a associação do peso ao nascer, idade gestacional e crescimento intrauterino com a densidade mineral óssea (DMO) aos 22 e 30 anos, nas coortes de nascimentos de 1982 e 1993 de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A DMO foi medida por absorciometria por raios X com dupla energia (DXA), a associação foi avaliada usando análise de variância e a regressão linear múltipla para o controle de confundimento por: sexo, renda familiar ao nascer, tabagismo materno na gestação, escolaridade materna, cor da pele materna e índice de massa corporal pré-gestacional. Foi testado se a gordura corporal na vida adulta era mediadora da associação analisada, por meio da G-computation Formula. Foram avaliados 6.803 participantes das coortes de 1982 e 1993, aos 30 e 22 anos, respectivamente. O peso ao nascer teve associação com a DMO em todos os sítios, com maior diferença no colo femoral. Os nascidos com menos de 2.000g apresentaram, em média, -0,036g/cm2 (IC95%: -0,064; -0,008) de DMO no colo femoral em comparação àqueles com mais de 3.500g. Aqueles com escore-z de crescimento intrauterino com pelo menos 1,28 desvio padrão abaixo da média apresentaram, em média, -0,013g/cm2 (IC95%: -0,024; -0,002) de DMO na coluna lombar, em relação aos com escore-z acima da média. A análise de mediação mostrou que gordura corporal na idade adulta não mediou a associação. As condições de nascimento foram associadas com a densidade mineral óssea na vida adulta, e a identificação dos fatores precoces relacionados à perda de DMO é essencial devido à inversão demográfica em progresso em países de média e baixa renda.

Abstract: This study assessed the association of birth weight, gestational age, and intrauterine growth with bone mineral density (BMD) at 22 and 30 years of age in the 1982 and 1993 birth cohorts in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. BMD was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and the association was assessed using analysis of variance. Multiple linear regression was used to control for confounding factors: sex; household income at birth; maternal smoking during pregnancy; maternal schooling; maternal ethnicity/skin color; and pre-pregnancy body mass index. The study tested whether body fat in adulthood was a mediator of the association analyzed, using the G-computation Formula. A total of 6,803 participants from the 1982 and 1993 cohorts were evaluated at 30 and 22 years of age, respectively. Birth weight was associated with BMD at all sites, with a greater difference at the femoral neck. Individuals born weighing less than 2,000g had on average -0.036g/cm2 (95%CI: -0.064; -0.008) of BMD in the femoral neck than individuals weighing more than 3,500g. Individuals with an intrauterine growth z-score at least 1.28 standard deviation below the mean had an average of -0.013g/cm2 (95%CI: -0.024; -0.002) of BMD in the lumbar spine compared with individuals with an above-average z-score. The mediation analysis showed that body fat in adulthood did not mediate the association. Birth conditions have been associated with BMD in adulthood and the identification of early factors related to bone loss is essential due to the demographic inversion that has been taking place in low- and middle-income countries.

Resumen: Este estudio evaluó la asociación del peso al nacer, la edad gestacional y el crecimiento intrauterino con la densidad mineral ósea (DMO) a los 22 y 30 años de edad, en las Cohortes de Nacimiento de 1982 y 1993 de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. La DMO se midió mediante absorciometría de rayos X de doble emisión (DXA), y la asociación se evaluó mediante ANOVA y regresión lineal múltiple para controlar la confusión por sexo, ingresos familiares al nacer, tabaquismo materno durante el embarazo, escolaridad materna, color de piel materno e índice de masa corporal antes del embarazo. Se comprobó si la grasa corporal en la edad adulta era un mediador de la asociación analizada, utilizando G-computation Formula. Se evaluaron 6.803 participantes de las cohortes 82 y 93, de 30 y 22 años, respectivamente. El peso al nacer se asoció con la DMO en todos los sitios, con la mayor diferencia en el cuello femoral. Los nacidos con un peso inferior a 2.000g tuvieron una media de -0,036g/cm2 (IC95%: -0,064; -0,008) de DMO en el cuello femoral, que aquellos con más de 3.500g. Aquellos con una puntuación z de crecimiento intrauterino de al menos 1,28 desviaciones estándar por debajo de la media presentaron un promedio de -0,013g/cm2 (IC95%: -0,024; -0,002) de DMO en la columna lumbar, con relación a aquellos con un puntaje z superior a la media. El análisis de mediación mostró que la grasa corporal en la edad adulta no medió la asociación. Las condiciones de nacimiento se asociaron con la DMO en la edad adulta, y la identificación temprana de factores relacionados con la pérdida de DMO es esencial debido a la inversión demográfica que ha estado ocurriendo en los países de ingresos medios y bajos.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535364


ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the effect of recombinant growth hormone (rGH) on body composition and metabolic profile of prepubertal short children born small for gestational age (SGA) before and after 18 months of treatment. Methods: It is a clinical, non-randomized, and paired study. Children born SGA, with birth weight and/or length <-2 standard deviations (SD) for gestational age and sex, prepubertal, born at full term, of both genders, with the indication for treatment with rGH were included. The intervention was performed with biosynthetic rGH at doses ranging from 0.03 to 0.05 mg/kg/day, administered subcutaneously, once a day at bedtime. Total lean mass (LM) and total fat mass (FM) were carried out using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and the metabolic profile was assessed for insulin, glycemia, IGF-1 levels and lipid profile. Results: Twelve patients (nine girls, 8.17±2.39 y) were evaluated; three patients dropped out of the study. There was an increase of LM adjusted for length (LMI) (p=0.008), LMI standard deviation score (SDS) adjusted for age and sex (p=0.007), and total LM (p<0.001). The percentage of body fat (BF%) and abdominal fat (AF) remained unaltered in relation to the beginning of treatment. Among the metabolic variables, blood glucose remained within normal levels, and there was a reduction in the number of participants with altered cholesterol (p=0.023). Conclusions: The effect of rGH treatment was higher on LM than in FM, with increased LM adjusted for length and standardized for age and sex. Glycemia remained within the normal limits, and there was a decreased number of children with total cholesterol above the recommended levels.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito do hormônio de crescimento recombinante (rHC) na composição corporal e no perfil metabólico de crianças pré-púberes com baixa estatura, nascidas pequenas para a idade gestacional (PIG) antes e depois de 18 meses de tratamento. Métodos: Estudo clínico, não randomizado e pareado. Foram incluídas crianças nascidas PIG, com peso e/ou altura ao nascer <-2 desvios padrão (DP) para idade gestacional e sexo, pré-púberes, nascidas a termo, de ambos os sexos, com indicação de tratamento com rGH. A intervenção foi realizada com rGH biossintético com doses variando de 0,03 a 0,05 mg/kg/dia, administrado por via subcutânea, uma vez ao dia ao deitar-se. A massa magra total (LM) e a massa gorda total (MG) foram determinadas por meio de absorciometria de raios X de dupla energia (DXA), e o perfil metabólico foi avaliado com dosagens de insulina, glicemia, IGF-1 e perfil lipídico. Resultados: Doze pacientes (nove meninas, 8,17±2,39 anos) foram avaliados; três pacientes abandonaram o estudo. Houve aumento da LM ajustada para estatura (LMI) (p=0,008), LMI standard deviation scores (SDS) ajustada para idade e sexo (p=0,007) e LM total (p<0,001). O percentual de gordura corporal (GC%) e gordura abdominal (AF) permaneceu inalterado em relação ao início do tratamento. Entre as variáveis metabólicas, a glicemia manteve-se na normalidade, e houve redução do número de participantes com colesterol alterado (p=0,023). Conclusões: O efeito do tratamento com HCr foi maior na MM do que na MG, com o aumento da MM ajustada para altura e padronizada para idade e sexo. A glicemia permaneceu normal e houve redução do número de crianças com colesterol total acima do recomendado.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551001


La enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional es definida como un grupo heterogéneo de lesiones, las cuales surgen a partir del epitelio trofoblástico de la placenta luego de una fertilización anormal. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 35 años de edad, con diagnóstico de neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional posmolar en etapa I, que se detectó tras estudios imagenológicos de seguimiento y determinación de la hormona gonadotropina coriónica humana, para lo cual llevó tratamiento con quimioterapia y terapéutica de mantenimiento con metotrexato por 5 días o metotrexato/ácido folínico por 8 días, hasta la normalización de la gonadotropina coriónica humana. Lo más relevante es que, aunque estos tumores abarcan menos del 1 % de los tumores ginecológicos, representan una amenaza para la vida de las mujeres en edad reproductiva.

Gestational trophoblastic disease is defined as a heterogeneous group of lesions, which arise from the trophoblastic epithelium of the placenta after abnormal fertilization. The case of a 35-year-old female patient is presented with a diagnosis of posmolar gestational trophoblastic neoplasia in stage I, which was detected after follow-up imaging studies and determination of human chorionic gonadotropin, for which she underwent chemotherapy treatment and maintenance therapy with methotrexate for 5 days or methotrexate/folinic acid for 8 days, until normalization of human chorionic gonadotropin The most relevant thing is that, although these tumors comprise less than 1% of gynecological tumors, they represent a threat to the life of women of reproductive age.

Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1536335


Introducción: Múltiples investigaciones demuestran el efecto teratogénico de la diabetes mellitus durante el embarazo, considerada causa frecuente de morbilidad fetal. Objetivo: Describir las características del producto de la concepción de mujeres con diabetes pregestacional o gestacional, atendidas en el Hospital Provincial Comandante Ciro Redondo García, de Artemisa. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal, en la Provincia Artemisa, Cuba, en el período de febrero 2016 a febrero 2018, en 316 mujeres con diabetes mellitus durante su gestación. La información se obtuvo mediante revisión documental y entrevista, conservando los datos en hoja de cálculo Excel. Resultados: El 69,9 por ciento de las pacientes diabéticas estudiadas presentaron morbilidades en su descendencia, entre las que predominaron los defectos congénitos en 139 casos; 34 neonatos macrosómicos; 21 pretérminos; 9 con retardo del crecimiento intrauterino y 5 fallecidos antes del año de vida. La diabetes, tanto pregestacional como gestacional, se relacionó con afecciones en la descendencia; sin embargo, un control preconcepcional adecuado de la enfermedad redujo el riesgo de tener hijos afectados. Los defectos congénitos fueron la alteración más frecuente cuando la madre padecía diabetes pregestacional. Si la diabetes materna era gestacional los hijos presentaron con frecuencia macrosomía y otras anomalías asociadas. Conclusiones: Alrededor de 70 de cada 100 mujeres diabéticas presentan morbilidades en su descendencia. Si la diabetes materna no es controlada antes de la concepción, estas morbilidades en sus hijos son predominantemente defectos congénitos con posible origen disruptivo, mientras que la diabetes gestacional se relaciona más con recién nacidos macrosómicos(AU)

Introduction: Multiple investigations show the teratogenic effect of diabetes mellitus during pregnancy, being considered a frequent cause of fetal morbidity. Objective: To describe the characteristics of the offspring of women with pregestacional or gestational diabetes who received attention at the Hospital Provincial Comandante Ciro Redondo García of Artemisa. Methods: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted in Artemisa Province, Cuba, in the period from February 2016 to February 2018, with 316 pregnant women with diabetes mellitus. The information was obtained through documentary review and interview; the data were kept in an Excel spreadsheet. Results: 69.9 percent of the studied diabetic patients presented morbidities in their offspring, among which congenital defects predominated, accounting for 139 cases; 34 were macrosomic neonates; 21 were preterm; 9 presented intrauterine growth retardation; and 5 died within one year of life. Diabetes, both pregestational and gestational, was associated with conditions in the offspring; however, adequate preconception control of the disease reduced the risk for having affected children. Congenital defects were the most frequent alteration when the mother had pregestational diabetes. If maternal diabetes was gestational, the offspring frequently presented macrosomia and other associated anomalies. Conclusions: About 70 out of 100 diabetic women present morbidities in their offspring. If maternal diabetes is not controlled before conception, these morbidities in their offspring are predominantly congenital defects with a possible disruptive origin, while gestational diabetes is more related to macrosomic newborns(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Congenital Abnormalities/etiology , Diabetes, Gestational/epidemiology , Diabetes Mellitus , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Observational Study
Gac. méd. espirit ; 25(2): [14], ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514149


Fundamento: Las alteraciones del estado nutricional materno generalmente se relacionan con desviaciones del crecimiento fetal, que pueden detectarse por los parámetros biofísicos fetales e identifican la posible condición trófica al nacer. Objetivo: Determinar la posible relación entre los parámetros biométricos fetales, la condición trófica al nacer y el producto de acumulación de los lípidos. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio transversal en el Policlínico Chiqui Gómez Lubian del municipio Santa Clara, durante el año 2019, en una población de 253 gestantes normopeso supuestamente sanas al inicio de la gestación. La muestra no probabilística fue de 144 gestantes. Las variables de estudio fueron: producto de acumulación de los lípidos, biometría fetal y condición trófica al nacer. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos, empíricos y estadísticos. Resultados: En el segundo trimestre ningún parámetro biométrico coincidió con la condición al nacer de pequeño, mientras que para el grande coincidieron las circunferencias cefálica y abdominal. En el tercer trimestre la longitud del fémur y la circunferencia abdominal coinciden en la identificación del pequeño y del grande. El PAL se correlacionó con la circunferencia abdominal del tercer trimestre y con el peso al nacer; presentando mayor frecuencia de valores en el tercer tertil para los nacimientos grandes. Conclusiones: La circunferencia abdominal fue el parámetro biométrico con mayor coincidencia con la condición trófica al nacer, la que se asoció con valores en el tercer tertil del PAL para la detección de nacimientos grandes, relacionándose el fenotipo normopeso metabólicamente obeso con el crecimiento fetal por exceso.

Background: Maternal nutritional status disorders are usually related to fetal growth deviations, which can be detected by fetal biophysical parameters and identify the possible trophic condition at birth. Objective: To determine the possible relationship between fetal biometric parameters, the birth trophic state and lipid accumulation product. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Chiqui Gómez Lubian Polyclinic in Santa Clara municipality, during 2019, in a population of 253 normal-weight pregnant women who were apparently healthy at the beginning of their gestation. The non-probability sample was made up of 144 pregnant women. Study variables were: lipid accumulation product, fetal biometry and trophic condition at birth. Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used. Results: In the second trimester, none of the biometric parameters matched the condition at birth as a small child, while in the large one the head and abdominal circumferences matched. In the third trimester, femoral length and abdominal circumference coincide in identifying the small one and the large one. LAP correlated with third trimester abdominal circumference and birth weight, presenting higher frequency of values in the third tertile for large births. Conclusions: Abdominal circumference was the biometric parameter with the highest coincidence with trophic condition at birth, associated with values in the third tertile of the LAP for detecting large births, relating the metabolically obese normal weight phenotype with excessive fetal growth.

Infant, Newborn , Biometry , Gestational Age , Fetal Weight , Fetal Development , Lipid Accumulation Product
Gac. méd. espirit ; 25(2): [11], ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514153


Fundamento: Predecir el recién nacido grande para la edad gestacional es una acción de salud que necesita de herramientas tecnológicas de probada eficiencia. Objetivo: Determinar la capacidad predictiva del diámetro biparietal en los recién nacidos grandes para la edad gestacional. Metodología: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo que incluyó 1959 gestantes cubanas con embarazo simple con captación y término del embarazo entre enero del 2009 y diciembre de 2017. En cada trimestre de gestación se compararon las condiciones tróficas adecuado para la edad gestacional (AEG) y grandes para la edad gestacional (GEG) mediante estadígrafos de tendencia central (media) y de dispersión (rango, desviación estándar) correspondientes al diámetro biparietal. Se calculó además el intervalo de confianza (IC) de 95 % para la diferencia de medias del diámetro biparietal. Asimismo, se realizó un análisis de curvas ROC para determinar si el diámetro biparietal y el peso fetal predicen la condición trófica grande para la edad gestacional en el segundo y tercer trimestre de gestación. Los datos fueron recogidos del libro registro de genética del área de salud. Resultados: El diámetro biparietal en el segundo y tercer trimestre de gestación tuvo un área bajo curva de 0.60 (IC 95 %: 0.54-0.65) y 0.59 (IC 95 %: 0.54-0.64) respectivamente. Los puntos de corte establecidos (T2: 56.55 mm, T3: 81.55 mm) tienen una especificidad y exactitud superior al 78 %. Conclusiones: El diámetro biparietal y los modelos de regresión de Shepard y de Hadlock V mostraron capacidad para discriminar el nacimiento grande para la edad gestacional del adecuado para la edad gestacional, a partir del segundo trimestre de gestación siendo más eficaces en el tercero.

Background: Predicting large for gestational age newborns is a medical action that requires technological tools with proven efficiency. Objective: To determine the predictive ability of biparietal diameter in large newborns for gestational age. Methodology: Retrospective cohort study that included 1959 Cuban pregnant women with a singleton pregnancy, with recruitment and pregnancy term between January 2009 and December 2017. In each gestational trimester, trophic conditions appropriate for gestational age (GAW) were compared and large for gestational age (GA) using central tendency (mean) and dispersion (range, standard deviation) statistics corresponding to the biparietal diameter. The 95% confidence interval (CI) for mean biparietal diameter difference was also calculated. In addition, an analysis of ROC curves was performed to determine if biparietal diameter and fetal weight predict large trophic condition for gestational age in the second and third gestational trimester. Data were gathered from the health area genetics registry book. Results: Biparietal diameter in the second and third trimester of gestation had an area under curve of 0.60 (95% CI: 0.54-0.65) and 0.59 (95% CI: 0.54-0.64) respectively. The established cut-off points (T2: 56.55 mm, T3: 81.55 mm) have a specificity and accuracy greater than 78%. Conclusions: Biparietal diameter and the Shepard and Hadlock V regression models showed ability to discriminate large for gestational age birth from adequate for gestational age birth from the second trimester of gestation onward, being more effective in the third trimester.

Pregnancy Trimester, Third , Biometry , Gestational Age , Fetal Weight
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(4): e202202753, ago. 2023. graf
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1442571


Introducción. Los pequeños para la edad gestacional (PEG) suelen tener una talla final 1 DE bajo la media. Se diferencian tres grupos según antropometría al nacimiento: de peso reducido (PRN), de longitud reducida (LRN) o ambos. Objetivos. Describir las características de los pacientes PEG atendidos en el Servicio de Endocrinología Pediátrica de un hospital de tercer nivel, y analizar la evolución de niños PEG sin crecimiento recuperador a los 4 años de edad, en tratamiento con hormona del crecimiento (GH), según su diagnóstico. Métodos. Estudio retrospectivo de pacientes PEG atendidos desde 2004 hasta 2021. Resultados. Se estudiaron 89 PEG; 44/89 iniciaron tratamiento con GH (11/44 PRN, 8/44 LRN y 25/44 ambos). La edad media al diagnóstico fue de 3,87 años; la talla media al inicio del tratamiento fue de -2,99 DE en los PEG diagnosticados por PRN, -2,85 DE en aquellos diagnosticados por LRN y -3,17 DE en los diagnosticados por bajo PRN y LRN. La talla final fue de -1,77, -1,52 y -1,23 DE, respectivamente, lo que supone una ganancia total de 1,22, 1,33 y 1,93 DE, respectivamente, alcanzando así su talla diana con una diferencia de 0,36 ± 0,08 DE. Conclusión. Menos de la mitad de los PEG derivados a la consulta precisaron tratamiento con GH, por no tener la edad de 4 años aún, o haber completado el crecimiento recuperador. Aquellos pacientes PEG según peso y longitud al nacimiento presentaron percentiles peores al diagnóstico y una mayor respuesta a GH.

Introduction. Small for gestational age (SGA) children usually have a final height of 1 SD below the mean. Three groups are established based on anthropometric characteristics at birth: low birth weight (LBW), short birth length (SBL), or both. Objectives. To describe the characteristics of SGA patients seen at the Department of Pediatric Endocrinology of a tertiary care hospital and to analyze the course of SGA children without catch-up growth at 4 years of age who were receiving treatment with growth hormone (GH), according to their diagnosis. Methods. Retrospective study of SGA patients seen between 2004 and 2021. Results. A total of 89 SGA children were studied; 44/89 started treatment with GH (11/44 LBW, 8/44 SBL, and 25/44 both). Their mean age at diagnosis was 3.87 years; their mean height at treatment initiation was -2.99 SD in SGA children diagnosed by LBW, -2.85 SD in those with SBL, and -3.17 SD in those with both LBW and SBL. Their final height was -1.77, -1.52, and -1.23 SD, respectively, with a total gain of 1.22, 1.33, and 1.93 SD, respectively, thus reaching their target height with a difference of 0.36 ± 0.08 SD. Conclusion. Less than half of SGA children referred to the clinic required treatment with GH because they were not yet 4 years old or had not completed their catch-up growth. SGA patients according to birth weight and length had worse percentiles at diagnosis and a greater response to GH.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Body Height , Human Growth Hormone/therapeutic use , Growth Hormone , Retrospective Studies , Gestational Age
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 45(7): 384-392, July 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507879


Abstract Objective To assess the potential relationship of clinical status upon admission and distance traveled from geographical health district in women with gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD). Methods This is a cross-sectional study including women with GTD from the 17 health districts from the São Paulo state (I-XVII), Brazil, referred to the Botucatu Trophoblastic Disease Center (specialized center, district VI), between 1990 and 2018. At admission, hydatidiform mole was assessed according to the risk score system of Berkowitz et al. Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia was evaluated using the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics / World Health Organization (FIGO/WHO) staging/risk score. Data on demographics, clinical status and distance traveled were collected. Multiple regression analyses were performed. Results This study included 366 women (335 hydatidiform mole, 31 gestational trophoblastic neoplasia). The clinical status at admission and distance traveled significantly differed between the specialized center district and other districts. Patients referred from health districts IX (β = 2.38 [0.87-3.88], p = 0.002) and XVI (β = 0.78 [0.02-1.55], p = 0.045) had higher hydatidiform mole scores than those from the specialized center district. Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia patients from district XVI showed a 3.32 increase in FIGO risk scores compared with those from the specialized center area (β = 3.32, 95% CI = 0.78-5.87, p = 0.010). Distance traveled by patients from districts IX (200km) and XVI (203.5km) was significantly longer than that traveled by patients from the specialized center district (76km). Conclusion Patients from health districts outside the specialized center area had higher risk scores for both hydatidiform mole and gestational trophoblastic neoplasia at admission. Long distances (>80 km) seemed to adversely influence gestational trophoblastic disease clinical status at admission, indicating barriers to accessing specialized centers.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a possível relação entre estado clínico na apresentação e distância percorrida a partir do distrito de saúde em mulheres com doença trofoblástica gestacional. Métodos Estudo transversal incluindo mulheres com doença trofoblástica gestacional dos 17 distritos de saúde do estado de São Paulo (I-XVII), Brasil, encaminhadas ao Centro de Doenças Trofoblásticas de Botucatu (distrito VI), entre 1990 e 2018. Na admissão, avaliaram-se mola hidatiforme pelo sistema de pontuação de risco de Berkowitz et al. e neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional pelo escore de risco/estadiamento Federação Internacional de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia / Organização Mundial da Saúde (FIGO/OMS). Coletaram-se dados demográficos, clínicos e distância percorrida e análises de regressão múltipla foram realizadas. Resultados Este estudo incluiu 366 mulheres (335 mola hidatiforme, 31 neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional). O estado clínico na apresentação e distância percorrida diferiram significativamente entre o centro especializado e demais distritos. Nas pacientes encaminhadas pelos distritos IX (β = 2,38 [0,87-3,88], p = 0,002) e XVI (β = 0,78 [0,02-1,55], p = 0,045), os escores de mola hidatiforme foram maiores que no centro especializado. As pacientes com neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional do distrito XVI apresentaram escores FIGO 3,32 vezes maior que no centro especializado (β = 3,32, 95% CI = 0,78-5,87, p = 0,010). A distância percorrida pelas pacientes dos distritos IX (200km) e XVI (203,5km) foi significativamente maior do que a percorrida pelas pacientes do centro especializado (76km). Conclusão Pacientes de distritos de saúde fora da cobertura do centro especializado apresentaram escores de risco mais alto para mola hidatiforme e para neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional na admissão. Longas distâncias (>80 km) pareceram influenciar negativamente o estado clínico da doença trofoblástica gestacional na apresentação, indicando barreiras no acesso a centros especializados.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Gestational Trophoblastic Disease , Tertiary Care Centers
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 80(3): 183-188, May.-Jun. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513752


Abstract Background: The morbidity of early-term newborns (ETNBs) is associated with the immaturity of their organs and maternal biological factors (MBF). In this study, we determined the relationship between MBF and early-term birth. In addition, we assessed the role of gestational age (GA) and MBF in the morbidity of ETNBs compared with full-term newborns (FTNBs). Methods: This retrospective cohort included ETNBs and FTNBs. The frequency of morbidities was compared between groups stratified by GA with the X2 test or Fisher's exact test. The association of MBF with GA and morbidity was calculated using binomial regression models between the variables that correlated with the morbidity of the ETNBs using Spearman's correlation. A significance level of 5% was estimated for all analyses. Results: The probability of morbidity at birth for ETNBs was 1.9-fold higher than for FTNBs (37.5% vs. 19.9%), as they required more admission to the neonatal unit and more days of hospitalization; the most frequent pathology was jaundice. The MBF associated with early term birth were hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (aRR = 1.4, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.3-1.6), intrauterine growth restriction (aRR = 1.5, 95% CI: 1.3-1.6), and chronic hypertension (aRR = 1.6, 95% CI: 1.4-1.8). No association was found between MBF and morbidity at 37 and 38 weeks. Conclusions: The morbidity among ETNBs is related to physiological immaturity. The adverse MBF favor a hostile intrauterine environment, which affects fetal and neonatal well-being.

Resumen Introducción: La morbilidad de los recién nacidos a término temprano (RNTT) se asocia con la inmadurez de sus órganos y factores biológicos maternos (FBM). En este estudio se determinó la relación entre FBM y el nacimiento a término temprano. Además, se evaluó el papel de la edad gestacional (EG) y los FBM en la morbilidad de los RNTT comparados con los recién nacidos a término completo (RNTC). Métodos: Este estudio de cohorte retrospectivo incluyó RNTT y RNTC. La frecuencia de morbilidades se comparó entre grupos estratificados por EG con la prueba de X2 o la prueba exacta de Fisher. La asociación de FBM con EG y morbilidad se calculó mediante modelos de regresión binomial entre variables correlacionadas con morbilidad de ETNB mediante la correlación de Spearman. Se estimó un nivel de significación del 5% para todos los análisis. Resultados: Los RNTT presentaron una probabilidad 1.9 veces mayor de morbilidad al nacer comparado con los RNTC (37.5% vs 19.9%), ya que requirieron mayor admisión a la unidad neonatal y más días de hospitalización; la patología más frecuente fue la ictericia. Los FBM asociados con el nacimiento a término temprano fueron los: trastornos hipertensivos gestacionales, restricción del crecimiento intrauterino e hipertensión crónica. No se encontró asociación entre factores biológicos maternos y la morbilidad a las 37 y 38 semanas. Conclusiones: La morbilidad del RNTT se relaciona con la inmadurez fisiológica. Los FBM adversos favorecen un medio intrauterino hostil afectando el bienestar fetal y neonatal.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 88(3): 167-182, jun. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515207


La diabetes mellitus gestacional DMG es una enfermedad con consecuencias mortales, incapacitantes y costosas para las personas, las familias, las comunidades y los países. Con el fin de establecer de manera sistemática los factores de riesgo psicosocial asociados con la DMG que deberían ser monitoreados durante y después del embarazo se realizó una revisión sistemática en las bases de datos PubMed/Medline y Cochrane. Se encontraron 1188 artículos y se seleccionaron 41. Algunos temas principales fueron conflictos con prácticas culturales, estigma social, influencia de la etnia/raza, bajo nivel educativo, calidad del sueño, problemas con la lactancia materna, preocupación por la propia salud o la del bebé, baja percepción de riesgo de DMG o de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en el futuro, estrés, ansiedad y depresión, conocimiento limitado, falta de apoyo de la pareja, de la familia o social y de los profesionales de la salud, bajos niveles de autocuidado/autoeficacia y dificultades con cambios en el estilo de vida. Estos factores deberían monitorearse en las embarazadas durante y después del parto. Los tratamientos deberían considerar el impacto psicológico y el riesgo de desarrollar diabetes mellitus tipo 2 después del parto, y deberían ser incluidos en las guías de práctica clínica. Las poblaciones multiétnicas y los grupos más vulnerables demográficamente y socioeconómicamente son más susceptibles de desarrollar DMG.

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a disease with fatal, disabling, and costly consequences for individuals, families, communities and countries. To systematically establish the psychosocial risk factors associated with GDM that should be monitored during and after pregnancy. Systematic review in PubMed/Medline and Cochrane databases. 1188 articles were found and 41 were selected. Some main themes were conflicts with cultural practices, social stigma, ethnicity/race influence, low educational level, sleep quality, breastfeeding problems, concern for ones own health/baby, low perception of the risk of GDM/DM2 in the future, stress, anxiety and depression, limited knowledge, lack of support from the partner/family/social and health professionals, low levels of self-care/self-efficacy and difficulties with changes in the lifestyle. These factors should be monitored in pregnant women during and after delivery. Treatments should consider the psychological impact and the risk of developing DM2 after childbirth and should be included in clinical practice guidelines. Multi-ethnic populations and the most demographically and socioeconomically vulnerable groups are more susceptible to developing GDM.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Diabetes, Gestational/psychology , Diabetes, Gestational/epidemiology , Social Support , Risk Factors
Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 74(2): 136-142, jun. 2023. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1536063


Objetivos: Describir las características clínicas y sociodemográficas de las gestantes con diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus gestacional (DMG) y evaluar posibles factores asociados al control glucémico fuera de objetivo y requerimiento de insulina. Materiales y métodos: Cohorte retrospectiva descriptiva. Se incluyeron mujeres con DMG atendidas en un hospital de referencia entre enero de 2018 y septiembre de 2020; se excluyeron mujeres con parto realizado en otra Institución. Las variables medidas fueron edad, índice de masa corporal al inicio del embarazo, antecedentes familiares de diabetes, edad gestacional al diagnóstico, glucemia basal y glucemia post prueba de tolerancia oral a la glucosa, fructosamina, prueba de hemoglobina glicosilada (HbAlc), y uso de insulinoterapia. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y exploratorio de los factores asociados al mal control glucémico por medio del análisis uni y multivariado. Resultados: El 44 % de las pacientes con DMG presentaron control glucémico fuera de objetivo con medidas higiénico-dietéticas. El análisis exploratorio mostró que podría haber un incremento en el riesgo del mal control glucémico asociado al valor inicial de la glucemia durante la PTOG (OR crudo: 3,57, IC 95 %: 2,1 - 6,1), el IMC > 25 kg/m2 (OR crudo: 1,97, IC 95 %: 1,15 - 3,34) y la mayor edad gestacional al momento del diagnóstico como factor protector del requerimiento de la insulinoterapia (OR crudo: 0,45, IC 95 %: 0,27 - 0,75). Sin embargo, estas asociaciones no se confirmaron en el análisis multivariado. Conclusiones: El valor de la glucemia basal mayor a 95 mg/dl, el IMC mayor a 25 kg/m2 podrían estar asociadas al mal control glucémico en las mujeres con DMG. Se necesitan estudios que evalúen estas variables con control de los factores de confusión para determinar los factores que indican el uso de insulina en mujeres gestantes.

Objectives: To describe the clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of pregnant women diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and to assess factors potentially associated with out-of-target glycemic control and the need for insulin. Material and methods: Retrospective descriptive cohort. Women with GDM delivered at a reference hospital between January 2018 and September 2020 were included; women delivered in a different institution were excluded. Measured variables were age, body mass index (BMI) at the start of pregnancy, family history of diabetes, gestational age at the time of diagnosis, blood glucose levels at baseline and following oral glucose tolerance test, fructosamine, Hemoglobin A1c (HBA1c), and insulin therapy use. A descriptive analysis was done. An exploratory analysis of factors associated with poor glycemic control was also conducted using uni and multivariate analyses. Results: Of the patients with GDM, 44 % were out of target for blood glucose with lifestyle and dietary measures. The exploratory analyses revealed a potential increase in the risk of poor glycemic control associated with initial blood glucose level on OGTT (crude OR: 3.57; 95 % CI:2.1-6.1), BMI > 25 kg/m2 (crude OR:1.97,95 % CI: 1.15 - 3.34), and more advanced gestational age at the time of diagnosis as a protective factor against the need for insulin therapy (crude OR: 0.45, 95 % CI: 0.27- 0.75). However, these associations were not confirmed in the multivariate analysis. Conclusions: A baseline blood glucose value greater than 95 mg/dl and BMI of more than 25 kg/m2 could be associated with poor glycemic control in women with GDM. Studies that assess these variables and control for confounding factors are needed in order to identify the factors associated with insulin requirement in pregnant women.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Argentina
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(3): e202202661, jun. 2023. tab, graf, mapas
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1435623


Introducción. El feto que no alcanza el potencial de crecimiento esperado en el útero se considera pequeño para la edad gestacional (PEG). Esta restricción depende de factores genéticos y/o ambientales; la altura geográfica es uno muy relevante. Este trabajo analiza la distribución espacial de las prevalencias de PEG y su tendencia secular en Jujuy (1991-2014). Materiales y métodos. Se analizaron los registros de 308 469 nacidos vivos de Jujuy (Dirección de Estadísticas e Información de Salud). Se estimaron prevalencias de PEG (peso/edad gestacional

Introduction. A fetus that does not reach the expected growth potential in utero is considered small for gestational age (SGA). Such restriction depends on genetic and/or environmental factors, being altitude a very relevant factor. This study analyzes the spatial distribution of the prevalence of SGA and its secular trend in Jujuy (1991­2014). Materials and methods. The records of 308 469 live births in Jujuy (Health Statistics and Information Department) were analyzed. The prevalence of SGA (weight/gestational age < P10 and < P3) was estimated for sex according to the INTERGROWTH-21 st standard in the ecoregions of Jujuy (Valle and Ramal ­less than 2000 MASL­, Puna, and Quebrada) across 3 periods (1991­2000, 2001­2009, 2010­2014) and proportions were compared. The secular trend was assessed using the Joinpoint regression analysis. Results. The overall prevalence of SGA was 2.3% (< P3) and 7% (< P10). Significantly higher values were observed in Puna and Quebrada in both SGA categories and across all periods. Only in Valle, significant differences were observed between sexes across all periods. The prevalence of SGA showed a significant downward secular trend at a provincial and regional level, and this was greater in Quebrada (5.2% < P3 and 3.5% < P10). Conclusions. A consistent and significant decrease in the prevalence of SGA has been observed since the 1990s in Jujuy, where altitude is itself a determining factor of size at birth, since the Puna and Quebrada regions showed the highest prevalence of SGA during the entire period.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Infant, Small for Gestational Age , Parturition , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Gestational Age , Altitude
Salud UNINORTE ; 39(1)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536842


Introducción: Las mujeres embarazadas con diabetes mellitus gestacional DMG tienen un mayor riesgo de tener resultados adversos materno-infantiles, debido a lo cual es importante estimar la prevalencia de DMG en Colombia de acuerdo con los criterios de la Asociación Internacional de Grupos de Estudio de Diabetes y Embarazo (IADPSG). Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática mediante búsquedas en las bases de datos PubMed/Medline y Cochrane en inglés y español. La evaluación de la calidad se hizo mediante la metodología GRADE. Resultados: En la revisión sistemática se incluyó un total de 7 estudios con 37 795 participantes colombianas. La prevalencia de DMG en Colombia fue de 8,7 %. Conclusiones: Esta revisión sistemática se constituye en un primer estudio exploratorio en estimar la prevalencia de DMG en Colombia según criterios de la IADPSG. La estimación de la prevalencia global se sitúa cercana a la media mundial, sin embargo, estos resultados deben ser valorados con precaución por limitaciones en la opción de la guía para detección de diabetes gestacional y subregistro. WDF 15-955 Project, Barranquilla, Colombia.

Introduction: Pregnant women with GDM gestational diabetes mellitus have a higher risk of having adverse maternal-infant outcomes. Objective: To estimate the prevalence of GDM in Colombia according to the criteria of the International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups [IADPSG]. Materials and methods: A systematic review was carried out by searching the PubMed / Medline and Cochrane databases in English and Spanish. The quality assessment was done using the GRADE methodology. Results: A total of 7 articles with 37,795 Colombian participants were included in the systematic review. The prevalence of GDM in Colombia was 8.7 %. Conclusions: As far as we know, this systematic review is the first study to estimate the prevalence of GDM in women in Colombia according to criteria of the IADPSG. The results suggest a GDM prevalence in Colombia in the world average. Be careful with these results because there could be un-der-records.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530348


Objetivo. Establecer la utilidad de la medición de la longitud del riñón fetal en la predicción de la edad gestacional. Diseño. Estudio de cohortes, prospectivo y longitudinal. Institución. Hospital Central "Dr. Urquinaona", Maracaibo, Venezuela. Participantes. Mujeres con embarazos simples de riesgo bajo, entre 18 y 40 semanas de gestación. Métodos. Se midieron los valores de diámetro biparietal, circunferencia abdominal, longitud del fémur y longitud del riñón fetal durante la duración del embarazo. Principales medidas de resultado. Predicción de la edad gestacional por medición de la longitud del riñón fetal. Resultados. Se seleccionó los datos de 215 gestantes. Se realizaron un total de 3,291 evaluaciones, siendo el menor número de evaluaciones a las 31 semanas con 128, y el mayor número 157, a las 28 semanas. La longitud del riñón fetal presentó correlaciones fuertes, positivas y significativas con la edad gestacional por fecha de última menstruación y por las mediciones ecográficas (p < 0,001). El modelo de edad gestacional predicha por el diámetro transverso del cerebelo alcanzó un valor del coeficiente de determinación de 0,682. La correlación entre la edad gestacional por fecha de última menstruación y la predicha por el modelo alcanzó un valor de r = 0,826 (p < 0,001). Conclusión. La medición de la longitud del riñón fetal es útil para predecir la edad gestacional y junto a otras mediciones ecográficas rutinarias puede mejorar la capacidad de los modelos de predicción actuales.

Objective: To establish the usefulness of fetal kidney length measurement in the prediction of gestational age. Design: Prospective, longitudinal cohort study. Institution: Hospital Central "Dr. Urquinaona", Maracaibo, Venezuela. Participants: Women with low-risk singleton pregnancies, between 18 and 40 weeks of gestation. Methods: Biparietal diameter, abdominal circumference, femur length, and fetal kidney length were measured during the duration of pregnancy. Main outcome measures: Prediction of gestational age by measurement of fetal kidney length. Results: Data from 215 pregnant women was selected. A total of 3,291 total evaluations were performed, with the lowest number of evaluations at 31 weeks (128), and the highest number (157) at 28 weeks. Fetal kidney length presented strong, positive and significant correlations with gestational age by date of last menstrual period and by ultrasound measurements (p < 0.001). The model of gestational age predicted by the transverse diameter of the cerebellum reached a value of the coefficient of determination of 0.682. The correlation between gestational age by date of last menstrual period and that predicted by the model reached a value of r = 0.826 (p< 0.001). Conclusion: Measurement of fetal kidney length is useful for predicting gestational age and together with other routine ultrasound measurements may improve the ability of current prediction models.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 45(3): 127-133, Mar. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449712


Abstract Objective: To assess the maternal blood levels of fatty acids (FAs) in pregnancies with fetal growth restriction (FGR). Methods: This prospective cross-sectional study included pregnant women with gestational age between 26 and 37 + 6 weeks with FGR and appropriate for gestational age (AGA) fetuses. The levels of saturated, trans, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated FAs were measured using centrifugation and liquid chromatography. The Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney test, and general linear model, with gestational age and maternal weight as covariants, were used to compare FA levels and the FGR and AGA groups. The Chi-square was used to evaluate the association between groups and studied variables. Results: Maternal blood sample was collected from 64 pregnant women, being 24 FGR and 40 AGA. A weak positive correlation was found between the palmitoleic acid level and maternal weight (r = 0.285, p = 0.036). A weak negative correlation was found between the gamma-linoleic acid level and gestational age (r = −0.277, p = 0.026). The median of the elaidic acid level (2.3 vs. 4.7ng/ml, p = 0.045) and gamma-linoleic acid (6.3 vs. 6.6ng/ml, p = 0.024) was significantly lower in the FGR than the AGA group. The palmitoleic acid level was significantly higher in the FGR than AGA group (50.5 vs. 47.6ng/ml, p = 0.033). Conclusion: Pregnant women with FGR had lower elaidic acid and gamma-linoleic acid levels and higher palmitoleic acid levels than AGA fetuses.

Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar os níveis sanguíneos maternos de ácidos graxos (AGs) em gestações com restrição de crescimento fetal (RCF). Métodos: Este estudo prospectivo transversal incluiu gestantes com idade gestacional entre 26 e 37 semanas e 6 dias com RCF e fetos adequados para a idade gestacional (AIG). Os níveis de ácidos graxos saturados, trans, monoinsaturados e poliinsaturados foram medidos usando centrifugação e cromatografia líquida. O teste t-Student, o teste de Mann-Whitney e o modelo linear geral, com idade gestacional e peso materno como covariantes, foram utilizados para comparar os níveis de AGs e os grupos RCF e AIG. O teste Qui-quadrado foi utilizado para avaliar a associação entre os grupos e as variáveis estudadas. Resultados: Amostra de sangue materno foi coletada de 64 gestantes, sendo 24 RCF e 40 AIG. Uma correlação positiva fraca foi encontrada entre o nível de ácido palmitoleico e o peso materno (r = 0,285, p = 0,036). Uma correlação negativa fraca foi encontrada entre o nível de ácido gama-linoleico ea idade gestacional (r = −0,277, p = 0,026). A mediana do nível de ácido elaídico (2,3 vs. 4,7 ng/ml, p = 0,045) e ácido gama-linoleico (6,3 vs. 6,6 ng/ml, p = 0,024) foram significativamente menores no grupo RCF do que no grupo AIG. O nível de ácido palmitoleico foi significativamente maior no grupo RCF do que no grupo AIG (50,5 vs. 47,6 ng/ml, p = 0,033). Conclusão: Gestantes com RCF apresentaram níveis mais baixos de ácido elaídico e ácido gama-linoleico e níveis mais elevados de ácido palmitoleico do que os fetos AIG.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Fatty Acids , Fetal Growth Retardation
Curitiba; s.n; 20230206. 87 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1443841


Resumo: A gestação é um fenômeno fisiológico e mesmo com o manejo de pré-natal adequado, as perdas gestacionais podem ocorrer. A Organização Mundial da Saúde estima uma ocorrência de 4,9 milhões de mortes perinatais no mundo todos os anos. No Brasil, a incidência em 2020, mostrou um total de 28.993 casos, sendo 1.062 no estado do Paraná e, destes, 117 na cidade de Curitiba. Não obstante, para além dos dados, tem-se o impacto emocional para todos os envolvidos, inquestionáveis para a mulher e família que sofre com a perda gestacional, mas também para os profissionais de saúde, em especial os enfermeiros, que se deparam com estas situações ao longo da vida profissional. Desta forma, este estudo teve como questão de pesquisa: qual a percepção do enfermeiro sobre o cuidado oferecido à mulher que sofreu perda gestacional? Ainda, como objetivo geral, compreender a percepção do enfermeiro que presta cuidados às mulheres diante das perdas gestacionais; e objetivos específicos: identificar elementos do cuidado do enfermeiro frente à mulher que sofreu perda gestacional e descrever a experiência dos enfermeiros sobre seu cuidado diante da mulher que diante perda gestacional. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo exploratório, realizado em um hospital universitário da Região Sul do país. A coleta de dados deu-se através de entrevistas semiestruturadas, as quais foram audiogravadas e transcritas na íntegra, durante os meses de abril a junho de 2022. Contou com a participação de 11 enfermeiros que atuam diretamente com mulheres em situação de perda gestacional. Para análise dos dados, foram seguidos os passos da Análise de Conteúdo do tipo temática proposta por Bardin e apoiada pelo uso do software de análise qualitativa o webQDA. Resultados: foram levantados 13 temas, os quais, por afinidade e exclusão, resultaram na elaboração de 3 categorias: Fragilidades do processo de cuidar frente às perdas gestacionais; Potencialidades do processo de cuidar frente às perdas gestacionais; e Cuidados de enfermagem frente às perdas gestacionais. Foi possível evidenciar que os enfermeiros conseguiam reconhecer as lacunas assistenciais e, mesmo com suas dificuldades, prestavam um cuidado respeitoso e empático, além de proporcionar momento de criação de memórias para as famílias enlutadas, através de fotos ou guarda de pertences que foram do bebê, que passou tão brevemente pela vida. O estudo permitiu compreender que os enfermeiros entrevistados reconheciam a importância da sua presença como um profissional que oferece um cuidado direcionado a cada mulher/família em situação de perda gestacional nas suas necessidades, enfatizaram a comunicação verbal e não verbal, sendo uma de suas preocupações que esta compreendesse, para além da assistência oferecida, este olhar singular do profissional. Os impactos do desenvolvimento deste trabalho podem resultar na elaboração de documentos, materiais educativos e protocolos assistenciais voltados aos profissionais de saúde que prestam cuidados diante das perdas gestacionais dentro das instituições hospitalares.

Abstract: Pregnancy is a physiological phenomenon. However, even with proper prenatal care management, pregnancy losses may occur. The World Health Organization estimates 4.9 million perinatal deaths worldwide every year. In Brazil, showed an incidence of 28,993 cases in 2020, with 1,062 cases in Parana State and, among these, 117 in its capital city, Curitiba. Therefore, that is a global health problem, but there still have been scarce public policies addressing this theme. Apart from the data, there is also the emotional impact on all the involved individuals, unquestionably to the woman and family who suffer the pregnancy loss, but also to the healthcare professionals, ultimately nurses, who are confronted with those situations along their professional lives. Thus, the research question in this study was: what is the nurses' perception on the health care delivered to the woman facing a pregnancy loss? In addition, the general objective was to understand the nurse's perception who renders health care to the woman who suffered a pregnancy loss. It is an exploratory qualitative study held at a university hospital in Southern Brazil. Data collection was conducted by means of semi-structured interviews, which were audio recorded and fully transcribed between April and June 2022. The participants were 11 nurses who care for women in a situation of pregnancy loss. For the data analysis, Thematic Content Analysis proposed by Bardin was applied, supported by the use of the webQDAE software for qualitative analysis. Results: 13 themes by affinity and exclusion stood out by means of the analysis, which resulted in the elaboration of 3 categories: Fragilities in the caring process in the face of pregnancy losses; Potentialities of the caring process in the face of pregnancy losses; and Nursing Care in the face of pregnancy losses. It was possible to evidence that nurses could recognize caring gaps, and even facing difficulties, they could deliver respectful and empathetic care, in addition to providing a moment of creating memories to bereaved families through photos or belongings of the baby who briefly got through their lives. The study enabled to understand that the interviewed nurses acknowledged the importance of their presence as professionals who delivered care to meet the needs of each woman/family going through a pregnancy loss. They also pointed out verbal and non-verbal communication as one of their concerns so that the women could understand their unique professional look, beyond care delivery. The study outcomes may result in the elaboration of documents, educational materials and care protocols to those health professionals who are confronted with pregnancy losses while rendering care within hospital institutions.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Pregnancy , Bereavement , Abortion , User Embracement , Nursing Care , Nursing, Team
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 45(2): 65-73, Feb. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449705


Abstract Objective The study was conducted to determine the quality of life and depression of women with gestational diabetes during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Methods 100 pregnant women with gestational diabetes and 100 healthy pregnant women were included in the present study. Data were obtained from pregnant women in their third trimester who agreed to take part in the study. The data was collected during the third trimester and six to eight weeks after the baby was born. The data were obtained by socio-demographic characteristics form, postpartum data collection form, the MOS 36 Item Short Form Health Survey and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CESD). Results The mean age of pregnant women with gestational diabetes in the study was the same as the average age of healthy pregnant women. The CESD score of pregnant women with gestational diabetes was 26,77 ± 4,85 while the corresponding score was 25,19 ± 4,43 for healthy women. Additionally, the score in the postpartum period was 32.47 ± 5.94 for pregnant women with gestational diabetes and 35.47 ± 8.33 for healthy pregnant women. CESD scores were found to be higher than the cut-off score of 16 in both groups, and the mean scores increased during the postpartum period. Conclusion During the postpartum period, the quality of life of pregnant women with gestational diabetes was affected more negatively than healthy pregnant women. Depressive symptoms of women with both gestational diabetes and healthy pregnancy were found to be high in pregnancy and postpartum periods.

Resumo Objetivo O estudo foi realizado para determinar a qualidade de vida e depressão de mulheres com diabetes gestacional durante a gravidez e período pós-parto. Métodos 100 gestantes com diabetes gestacional e 100 gestantes saudáveis incluídas no presente estudo. Os dados foram obtidos de mulheres grávidas no terceiro trimestre que concordaram em participar do estudo. Os dados foram coletados durante o terceiro trimestre e seis a oito semanas após o nascimento do bebê. Os dados foram obtidos por meio do formulário de características sociodemográficas formulário de coleta de dados pós-parto MOS 36 Item Short Form Health Survey e Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CESD). Resultados A idade média das gestantes com diabetes gestacional no estudo foi igual à idade média das gestantes saudáveis. O escore CESD de gestantes com diabetes gestacional foi de 26 77 ± 4 85 enquanto o escore correspondente foi de 25 19 ± 4 43 para mulheres saudáveis. Além disso o escore no pós-parto foi de 32 47 ± 5 94 para gestantes com diabetes gestacional e 35 47 ± 8 33 para gestantes saudáveis. Os escores do CESD foram maiores do que o ponto de corte de 16 em ambos os grupos e os escores médios aumentaram durante o período pós-parto. Conclusão Durante o período pós-parto a qualidade de vida de gestantes com diabetes gestacional foi mais afetada negativamente do que gestantes saudáveis. Os sintomas depressivos de mulheres com diabetes gestacional e gravidez saudável foram elevados na gravidez e nos períodos pós-parto.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Quality of Life , Diabetes, Gestational , Depression/prevention & control
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522624


Objetivo: Establecer la utilidad de la medición del diámetro transversal del cerebelo fetal para la predicción de la edad gestacional. Diseño : Estudio de cohortes, prospectivo y longitudinal. Institución. Hospital Central "Dr. Urquinaona", Maracaibo, Venezuela. Participantes : Mujeres con embarazos simples de bajo riesgo, entre las 14 y las 40 semanas de gestación. Métodos : Se midieron los valores de diámetro biparietal, circunferencia abdominal, longitud del fémur y diámetro transverso del cerebelo fetal durante la duración del embarazo. Principales medidas de resultado. Predicción de la edad gestacional por medición de diámetro transverso del cerebelo. Resultados : Fueron seleccionados los datos de 215 embarazadas. Se realizaron un total de 3,858 evaluaciones totales, siendo el menor número de evaluaciones 131 a las 18 semanas y el mayor número 157 a las 28 semanas. El diámetro transversal del cerebelo presentó correlaciones fuertes, positivas y significativas con la edad gestacional por fecha de última menstruación y las mediciones ecográficas (p < 0,001). El modelo de edad gestacional predicha por el diámetro transverso del cerebelo alcanzó un valor del coeficiente de determinación de 0,908. La correlación entre la edad gestacional por fecha de última menstruación y la predicha por el modelo alcanzó un valor de r = 0,953 (p < 0,001). Conclusión : La medición del diámetro transversal del cerebelo es un parámetro útil para predecir la edad gestacional en embarazadas sanas.

Objective : To establish the usefulness of fetal cerebellar transverse diameter measurement for the prediction of gestational age. Design : Prospective, longitudinal, cohort study. Institution: Hospital Central "Dr. Urquinaona", Maracaibo, Venezuela. Participants : Women with low-risk singleton pregnancies, between 14 and 40 weeks of gestation. Methods : Biparietal diameter, abdominal circumference, femur length, and transverse diameter of the fetal cerebellum were measured during the duration of pregnancy. Main outcome measures: Prediction of gestational age by measurement of the transverse diameter of the cerebellum. Results : Data from 215 pregnant women were selected. A total of 3,858 total evaluations were performed, with the lowest number of evaluations 131 at 18 weeks and the highest number 157 at 28 weeks. The transverse diameter of the cerebellum presented strong, positive, and significant correlations with gestational age by date of last menstrual period and ultrasound measurements (p < 0.001). The model of gestational age predicted by the transverse diameter of the cerebellum reached a value of the coefficient of determination of 0.908. The correlation between gestational age by date of last menstrual period and that predicted by the model reached a value of r = 0.953 (p < 0.001). Conclusion : Measurement of the transverse diameter of the cerebellum is a useful parameter for predicting gestational age in healthy pregnant women.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522627


La actividad física produce efectos benéficos en la mujer embarazada; a pesar de ello, la mayoría presentan altos niveles de conducta sedentaria. El objetivo del estudio fue evidenciar el efecto del quiebre en la conducta sedentaria sobre el control metabólico en una paciente de 36 años con diabetes gestacional. La intervención consistió en reorganizar su rutina diaria y realizar un protocolo de quiebre en la conducta sedentaria. La paciente logró un control metabólico óptimo luego del comienzo de la intervención y hasta el final del embarazo. El protocolo de quiebre en la conducta sedentaria sumado a la reorganización en la rutina de la paciente resultó ser efectivo para lograr el control glicémico y evitar complicaciones propias asociadas a la diabetes gestacional.

Physical activity produces beneficial effects in pregnant women. In spite of this, most of them present high levels of sedentary behavior. The objective of the study was to demonstrate the effect of a break in sedentary behavior on metabolic control in a 36-year-old patient with gestational diabetes. The intervention consisted of reorganizing her daily routine and performing a sedentary behavior break protocol. The patient achieved optimal metabolic control after the beginning of the intervention and until the end of pregnancy. The sedentary behavior break protocol added to the reorganization of the patient's routine proved to be effective in achieving glycemic control and avoiding complications associated with gestational diabetes.